Friday, March 4, 2011

Spread the Word

Yesterday a very special guest came to Grand Forks Central in support of the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign.

Special Olympian Erin Baumann, who was born with Down Syndrome, read a speech she had written about how derogatory words affect people with intellectual disabilities. She told those who attended the session of Literary Lunches what it's like to have Down Syndrome and what it's like having people use those derogatory words.

She gave many of the students and teachers who attended much to think about in respect of the use of words like "stupid," "dumb" and the ever present R-word. Baumann also brought up an important legislative point, Rose's Law.

In October 2010, "President Obama signed Rosa's Law, making a simple, but monumental change in the language used to refer to individuals with disabilities. The law, named for Rosa Marcellino an 8-year-old girl with Down Syndrome, will change the phrase 'mental retardation' to 'ntellectual disability' in all federal statutes."

Monday we will put up a video of Baumann so you too can hear what Baumann had to say and learn what websites you can visit to help those intellectual disabilities and those who are participating in the Special Olympics.

submitted by GFC senior Justin (Jfish) Fischer

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