Friday, May 20, 2011

Roger Dykstra returns to Literary Lunches with Butterflies

     Pastor Roger Dykstra brought a sampling of the reading he is currently reading and some favorites to literary lunch today and had the group decide the selection.  The book that was chosen was The Butterfly Effect, by Andy Andrews.  It was given to Dykstra by his mother-in-law, and helps show the theory of the far-reaching implications of any action.  While "The Butterfly Effect" was initially scoffed at when presented in the 1960s, it is now considered a law of "Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions," which relates to both physical matter and people.

     This theory highlighted Dykstra's theme/advice to seniors that every action matters--that every decision (good or bad) can ripple and cause unknown consequences.   While society may tell people that "if they work hard enough they will get whatever they want" may not be true, there will often be unintended or unforeseen rewards later on. 

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