Monday, November 22, 2010

Barb Beach reads Sidney Poitier

     Barb Beach, retired GFC Spanish teacher (although she spent several years at Valley Middle School and a couple teaching at some other high school in Grand Forks) was so excited to have the opportunity to be able to share her favorite book with students.  The Measure of a Man, noted actor Sidney Poitier's autobiography, includes incredible stories of Poitier's poverty growing up in the Bahamas to being kicked out of his first casting call, while sharing Poitier's views on life and how later generations have life much more complicated in some respects.
      In one of the selections read, Poitier's mother threw Sidney into the ocean to teach him how to swim. As his mother watched, motionless, Sidney thrashed and struggled and finally went under the water.  His father then reached down, pulled him up, and handed him to his mother--who threw him back into the ocean again and again until she was confident he knew how to swim!

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