Thursday, December 9, 2010

Paula Davis

          Paula Davis, former GF Central English teacher and current teacher at Northland Technical College, shared an essay she likes to use with her college students as the start their comparison contrast essays.  In "Grammy Awards," by Deborah Dalfonso, the narrator Jill compares two grandmothers who are very unlike each other--one very proper and respectable, the other fun-loving and eccentric.  Both want the world for Jill, and the essay concludes with a wonderful metaphor: one will be her anchor, the other will be her mainsail.

          Ms. Davis also talked about finding time for free-reading, college reading and writing,  and the adjustments students and teachers make in going into a post-secondary school.  She also recited "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, linking it to the choices we make in our lives and careers.

It was great to have Paula back in GFC, sharing her love of literature with students!

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